Controlled Shipping is part of the quality improvement process, established between customer and supplier and is required when the normal controls performed are not sufficient to exempt the company from receiving non-compliant parts.


Thus, an additional inspection must be made to one or more specific nonconformities for the selection of nonconforming material to be put in place while the solution to the root cause of the problem is in the process of implementation.


This inspection must be added to the other controls. The data obtained from the inspection processes are used both for measuring the effectiveness of the secondary inspection process, and for the corrective actions taken to eliminate the initial non-conformity (s).


Who determines the entrance and exit of the Controlled Shipment is always the Supplier to his client. There are 2 levels of Controlled Shippingding: Level 1 and Level 2.

Controlled Shipping

Level I

The supplier or third party itself carries out the inspection process 100% in order to isolate the customer from the receipt of non-compliant parts, that is, before each shipment, the inspection is carried out according to the requirements agreed with the customer.


The records, altered documentation, indicators and identifications of the inspected packaging and parts are stipulated between the supplier and the customer.



Constrolled Shipping

Level II

It covers the Level 1 Controlled Shipment processes, and a 100% inspection process must be added before each shipment to be made by a service provider, which must always be ISO 9001 Certified in the most up-to-date version and have “know how” the product in question.


The supplier must prepare an inspection instruction that must be approved by the customer.


The service provider is responsible for the records and indicators, as well as for the correct execution of the work.


The records, altered documentation, indicators and identifications of the inspected packaging and parts are stipulated between the supplier and the customer.